Dunlossit Estate is a founding member of the South East Islay Deer Forum, which has been in existence since 2020. The group is made up of six estates and manages the deer population within an area of 34,000 acres, enclosed by a deer fence.

The overall population within the deer fence is established at an average of 2,000 deer. An annual cull is required to keep numbers down, to ensure that the hill is not overgrazed and that the animals are maintained in good condition.

Red Deer

Dunlossit undertakes a cull of 70 stags and 70 hinds per year. This is based upon culling the old and infirm deer, and never trophy culling. We can accommodate two stalking parties per day. Hind stalking is available by the day.

Roe Deer

Roe deer live in the woods that skirt the edge of our open hill and in order to maintain the quality of their habitat, we have an annual cull of 20 bucks and 20 does.

We offer morning or evening outings of a few hours with our keeper.

Game Shooting

We can also organise mixed driven days and mixed walk up shooting, where we would expect to shoot woodcock, snipe and pheasants. We can also organise duck flighting on our own ponds as a part of your day.

All prices on application. Please contact the estate office for more information on our sporting packages.

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